Back pain has become an epidemic in the United States with Americans spending around 240 BILLION dollars each year on medical cost related to their back pain. There are many factors that can lead to back pain, but the leading culprit is often lifestyle. Here are five easy ways to dramatically increase the health and longevity of your spine.
1. Wallets and purses have to go!
The health of your spine is directly related to your quality of life especially as you get older. There is no better time than now to start and these are five easy steps you can take to ensure the health and longevity of your spine so when you get older you will be able to do the things you want to do.
1. Wallets and purses have to go!
Okay, so maybe you don’t have to throw them all away, but carrying around a wallet or purse incorrectly could be wreaking havoc on your spine. If you sit at your desk all day long with a wallet in your back pocket, you are basically placing a wedge under your pelvis. Even though it may not seem like much, even the thinnest wallet in a back pocket can lead to an imbalanced pelvis. Since the pelvis is the foundation the spine sits on, it can lead to major problems down the road if it is sat on day after day for year after year. It will slowly place excessive stress in the muscle tissues and joints creating inflammation and adhesions and over time can even cause there to be a weakness to the spinal discs which could end up as a disc herniation.
Much like sitting on a wallet can cause your spine to become imbalanced, carrying a purse or bag over one’s shoulder can also cause the spine to shift as the body struggles to maintain a proper center of gravity, Carrying a heavy bag day after day can eventually lead to the same problems mentioned above.
So start putting your wallet in your front pocket, or at least take it out of your back pocket when sitting. If you must carry a purse or shoulder bag, be sure to make it as light as possible and be sure to alternate the side you carry it on.
2. Stop running so much
While being active and exercising is important to a person’s overall health, too much running, with poor form, can eventually lead to some serious problems like early onset degenerative disc disease and hip issues.
A little bit of running incorporated into a person’s exercise routine can be beneficially, excessive running can be problematic. Humans are built to be able to walk for long distances and sprint for short distances. Not many of us are built to run at medium pace for long periods of time, day after day. With every step, there is a jarring impact that compresses the lumbar spinal joints and discs. Excessive stress on the spine, over a long period of time, will eventually cause the spine to wear out quicker than it should. So instead of running, maybe try biking or swimming.
3. Sleep with the right mattress and pillow
This is very important because the average person spends one third of their life in their bed, but it is often easier said than done because one pillow and mattress that might be perfect for on person may not be sufficient for another. Here are a few tips to help you make the best choices. First, find a mattress that offers some sort of “try it for 90 days” deal. You will know within a couple weeks whether or not it will give you enough support. If it doesn’t work for you, return it and try another model. Secondly, if you are going to error, error on the side of too firm. You can always buy a cheap memory foam topper to make it a little softer.
When it comes to pillows, always try to sleep with you neck in a neutral position. So if you sleep on your side, your neck should be in line with the rest of your spine, and if you sleep on your back, try to use a thin pillow. Also, try to avoid sleeping on your stomach with your head turned to one side. Lastly, try not to sleep on couches or recliner chairs. These do not offer the proper support for the spine that is needed while you sleep and can lead to problems down the road.
4. Change up your daily routine
Most people’s problems are caused by the things they do on a daily basis. Sure, if you get into a car accident or fall off a ladder you could have problems, but for the most part wear and tear on the spine comes on slowly from daily activities. These activities, such as the chair you sit in at work, the seat in your car, or other occupational duties put your body into a functional pattern. For many people, these patterns can lead them to dysfunction and eventually pain and a reduced quality of life.
Things like elevating the computer screen at your desk, or better yet, using a standing desk can make a difference in a person’s life, or maybe try holding the phone to your left ear instead of your right, or even get a hands free headset if you spend a lot of time on the phone. Doing minor changes to your daily routine may not seem like a big deal now but remember, with many spine related issues, small repetitive stress over long periods of time are your enemy.
5. Be proactive not reactive
Being proactive about the health of your spine is a must if you wish to increase the health and longevity of your spine. This is because by the time you actually start the feel symptoms, there have been underlying dysfunctions in your spine for many years. If you think about it, we seem to be proactive about the health of other areas of our body. We watch our blood pressure and cholesterol for heart health, we take probiotics to encourage the health of our digestive tract, and we try to eat healthy and exercise to keep manage our weight. So it only makes sense to be proactive about the health of your spine. So what are some ways you can be proactive about the health of your spine? Well things like regular stretching or yoga can be very helpful because flexibility is closely related to the health of you spine. Another way is to utilize chiropractic care even when you are not in pain. Chiropractors are the only doctors who specialize in the care and treatment of the spine without the use of drugs and surgery.
The health of your spine is directly related to your quality of life especially as you get older. There is no better time than now to start and these are five easy steps you can take to ensure the health and longevity of your spine so when you get older you will be able to do the things you want to do.
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