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Case Study: Reduction of Asthma Symptoms and Medications After Chiropractic Care

Image result for childhood asthma
A 5–year-old male with a history of asthma for 3–1/2 years sought chiropractic care for his asthma symptoms, which included tightness of the chest, shortness of breath, nasal congestion, and nonproductive cough that were not responding to allopathic treatment.

He was adjusted based on location of his subluxations (intersegmental joint dysfunction). His treatment consisted of chiropractic adjustment to the cervical and thoracic region. He observed a quick and drastic reduction in his symptoms and he has been able to reduce all of his medication over the next few months with the exception of a rescue inhaler of albuterol, which he needs only infrequently.

Thomas Brozovich D.C., Chiropractic J Australia 2017; 45: 138–143


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